Hi there! My name is Miguel Vasquez I am a native of Venezuela, Aragua state, I am the youngest of two brothers.
I started in the world of web design and programming in 2011, created several projects for clients in my country,
but it was not until 2013 that I started selling in Envato CodeCanyon, even though I was a member since 2011.
My first script was PHP Social Microblogging what is Twitter script, designed to share news, events, or simply what you want, through publications of 140 characters, and may refer to other users, create Hashtag and share with other site users and which lasted developing for 1 month and a half working around 15 hours a day I almost went crazy, but it was worth it since it was the starting point in CodeCanyon.
From 2015 I started to create scripts with Laravel, it seemed a powerful Framework, my first script with Laravel was ShotPro Community Script which is a community of graphic designers and web where they share their latest and most impressive works. I'm a Senior University Technician (T.S.U) in Advertising and Marketing, but my true passion is web design and development.
Here you can find tips and snippets for Laravel that will help you in your projects if you are stuck in the wonderful world of Laravel.
This is a small part about me, best regards and thanks for visiting my website.