Shozystock is a platform for high-quality premium files, whether photos, videos, audio, vectors or fonts, for multi-vendors or individuals, where they can sell their resources via subscription or direct purchase.
- Simply create an account to view the Admin Panel Try now!
- Features are disabled in Panel Admin
- To test as a Contributor, just send the verification request from here with fake data and it will be activated in a minute.

- Built with Laravel 11
- AI Image Generator
- PhotoTag, Generate tags, titles, and descriptions with AI (Only photos and videos)
- Coconut® Video Encoding service
- Subscription System
- Stripe Connect
- Verification System
- Bulk Upload (Photos and videos)
- Referrals
- Storage (Local, Amazon, DigitalOcean, Wasabi, Vultr, Backblaze B2, Pushr CDN)
- 2FA authentication
- Taxes
- Searches by Stock Type (Photo, Video, Audio, Vector and Fonts)
- Wallet System (To purchase or Subscribe)
- Integration with PayPal (Recurrent)
- Integration with Stripe with (SCA) (Recurrent)
- Landing page to become a contributor
- Categories for Photo, Video, Audio, Vector and Fonts
- Invoices for payments made
- Bootstrap
- Facebook, Twitter and Google Login
- Follow / Unfollow system
- Collections
- Categories
- Subcategories
- Notifications Real-time
- Advanced search
- Search for vectors and photos by colors
- Contributors can upload unlimited resources
- Option Delete Account
- Members can change their name, email and password
- Upload Avatar
- Upload Cover
- Change password
- XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
- Secure Bcrypt password hashing
- SMTP Support
- Share social
- Easy translation
- Real-time autocompletion in searches
- Notifications Real-time with Pusher
- Sitemap and sitemaps for items with image
- Freebies images section (Only Admin can upload)
- RTL (Right-to-Left)
Admin Features:
- Create/Edit Plans
- Manage Subscriptions
- Create taxes
- Maintenance mode
- Manage roles and permissions
- Change the site name
- Change the site title welcome
- Manage General Settings and Limits
- Statistics
- Set keywords for the site. (SEO)
- Add a description (SEO)
- Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.
- Manage Categories
- Manage Content
- Manage Members.
- Manage Members, Content Reported
- Set up social accounts
- Manage Google Adsense, Google Analytics
- Among other functions...
- PHP >= 8.2
- MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
- cURL
- GD Library
- allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON