Celebrities offer video messages for their fans, whether for birthdays or any special occasion, and their fans also send private messages, to connect with your favorite celebrities.

- Built with Laravel 10
- Coconut® Video Encoding service
- Book video message
- Book video message for business
- Send free and paid private messages
- Stripe Connect
- Verification System (KYC)
- Referrals
- Review system
- Refund system
- Cancellation of orders by the customer
- Canceling orders if delivery time expires via cron job
- Advanced search with filters
- Withdrawal system
- Celebrity promotional video
- Dashboard with Celebrity's Total Earnings and Revenue
- Reporting system
- Storage (Local, Amazon, DigitalOcean, Wasabi, Vultr, Backblaze B2)
- 2FA authentication
- Taxes
- Wallet System
- Landing page to become a Celebrity
- Invoices for payments made and payments received
- Bootstrap
- Facebook, Twitter and Google Login
- Favorites system
- Categories
- Subcategories
- Custom video occasions
- Notifications Real-time with Pusher
- Real-time autocompletion in searches
- Celebrities you can set your prices for video messages, private messages and flash delivery
- Members can change their name, email, password and avatar
- XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
- Secure Bcrypt password hashing
- SMTP Support
- Share social
- Easy translation
- Sitemap
- PHP >= 8.2
- MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- BCMath PHP Extension
- cURL
- GD Library
- allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON